Микропортал, содержащий ссылки на свободно-софтовые проекты, поддержанные Евросоюзом и отдельными правительствами.
34879 AGNULA (specialised free software distributions for audio/music)
34717 AMOS (free software package and component indexing and search)
32360 ARCHWARE (software architecture for evolvable software)
29380 GENESIS intends to develop an Open Source environment that supports the co-operation and communication between software engineers belonging to distributed development teams involved in modeling, controlling, and measuring software development and maintenance processes. Moreover, it will include an artifact management module to store and manage software artifacts produced by different teams.
28402 OPHELIA (Open Platform and metHodologies for devELopment tools IntegrAtion ) project is a research project that aims to produce a framework to support the information systems development lifecycle. The framework, referred to as the OPHELIA technology, will provide a mechanism for the integration of tools in a distributed environment through the definition of a set of CORBA interfaces. This will enable users to establish customized OPHELIA solutions that best fit their development environment. The platform will deliver the potential for data management, traceability and decision support across international boundaries. One of those solutions is the Orpheus, a fully integrated web based development platform.
29285 ACEOS (Linux port for Tricore processor)
28503 OPENROUTER (open source software router for SoHo market) project aims at the adoption of open source software for the development of an efficient and open architecture router/firewall device. The system being developed offers firewall/routing and wireless access point functionality that addresses the needs for open architecture, high performance, user friendly system for the SME and SOHO market. The OpenRouter system features LAN, WAN and wireless interfaces to meet the requirements of the SME & SOHO environment. The system is built using open source software on an embedded platform, GNU/Linux running on Intel StrongARM. For the scope of the project open source components will be used for the basic networking functionality and new modules will be developed for the integration, maintanance, operation, configuration and software upgrade subsystems.
28152 PENGUIN-PC (RTAI-based industrial controller software)
32316 INES (Cluster of Embedded systems)
34546 PUBLICVOICEXML (reference implementation of VoiceXML). VoiceXML is the new lingua franca for telephony applications. All major players in this area are supporting the new standard. The VoiceXML Forum did an extremely efficient job when promoting it. In co-operation with software developers we are taking the challenge to offer an open source version of a VoiceXML implementation. Watch out for results presented here. If you want to be notified of upcoming releases, feel free to subscribe our announcement mailing list.
34340 EUPKI (free software public key infrastructure),
35174 OPEN-EVIDENCE (open source document authentication and time stamping).
29289 SECRETS (open source security software). The primary aim of this project is to promote the adoption of open source security software and to assess its appropriateness in four (4) Industrial Applications well representing diverse user needs thus allowing the reliable extraction of results. The project will evaluate and introduce the use of the open source Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software and the open source IPSec protocol thus addressing emerging industrial user needs. The Secret's Partners are clearly seeking for a solution where they can gain advantage in application security assurance by having full access to related developments and additional new cryptography algorithms developed worldwide.
35176. The ASWAD (Agent-Supported workflow in Public Administration) project aims at providing Public Administrations with a unified and flexible Internet application for organising cooperative work practices, based on Free Software. The ASWAD tool will be based on a groupware system with built in workflow management and personal assistants. It will carry out extensive evaluations to assess the effectiveness of the system from the standpoint of individual users and of the overall organisation.
26162 SPIRIT (open source health care initiative). Spirit is the multilingual source for best practice open source news and software for health care. Spirit is a virtual community and meeting place providing resources and services to help you share information about projects, and participate in open source developments.
37711 OPENECG (Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces). The mission of the OpenECG project is to promote the consistent use of format and communications standards for computerised ECGs and to pave the way towards developing similar standards for stress ECG, Holter ECG, and real-time monitoring. OpenECG, coordinated by an interdisciplinary, highly motivated consortium, will attract membership from healthcare authorities, cardiologists, integrators, engineers, standardisation bodies, manufacturers, and the public.
34512 OSMIA (open source medical imaging software). Open Source Medical Image Analysis (OSMIA) is a project designed to provide an open source software development environment for medical image analysis research in order to facilitate the free and open exchange of ideas and techniques with minimum effort. Image analysis is an invaluable field of medical technology, advances in which have transformed many areas of medical diagnosis and treatment. The development of medical imaging software is almost exclusively a commercial endeavour restricting access to source code thus inhibiting dissemination and duplication of results. A free distribution of code would give researchers the opportunity to recreate experiments, evaluate techniques and interact with a like-minded community. These concepts resonate with the ideals of scientific research.
10345 PICNIC is designing and implementing the next generation of secure and user-friendly regional health care networks supporting and enabling the functioning of regional health care.
26249 ITCOLE: The Best Practices in European Computer Aided Education
13015 FETISH: Federated European Tourism Information System Harmonisation
20147 CRUMPET. Creation of User-friendly Mobile services Personalised for Tourism. The overall aim of CRUMPET is to implement, validate, and trial tourism-related value-added services for nomadic users (across mobile and fixed networks). In particular the use of agent technology will be evaluated (in terms of user-acceptability, performance and best-practice) as a suitable approach for fast creation of robust, scalable, seamlessly accessible nomadic services. The implementation will be based on a standards-compliant open source agent framework, extended to support nomadic applications, devices, and networks.
31064 OROCOS. To develop robot control software, under OpenSource and/or Free Software license(s), with a long-term vision and design, emphasizing software components for (hard real-time) control, hardware interfacing, communication, kinematics and dynamics, task specification, sensing, etc., that keeps in mind four levels of users: Framework Builders, Component Builders, Application Builders and End Users. The focus in on the Framework and the Components independent of any specific architecture for connecting the components together, with an eye on the design of an extensive Pattern System for robotics, of the highest quality (from both technical and software engineering points of view!), independent of commercial robot manufacturers (but compatible whenever possible), for all sorts of robotic devices and computer platforms, localized for all languages.
26473 ECG. The overall objectives of the project are: - To take into consideration the multidisciplinary nature of the problem and to develop cooperative research in three main directions: computational geometry, computer algebra and numerical analysis. - To give Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces solid mathematical and algorithmic foundations, to provide solutions to key problems and to validate our theoretical advances through extensive experimental research and the development of software packages that could serve as steps towards a standard for safe and effective geometric computing. - To promote collaborative research, the interchange between the partners (workshops), exchanges of Ph.D. students and research staff. - To disseminate our results through research reports, open source softwares, software packages and through a program of open activities including summer-schools and advanced courses intended to academia and industry.
30078 EPISEM ACTION (Epicentre Shared Earth Model Activity Collaboration through Meta Data Interoperability over the Net)
GNUPG is a free implementation of OpenPGP funded by the German government.